Marigolds are a versatile and lovely addition to most growing
areas. They come in an array of color, height, and bloom size ensuring a
marigold to suit every preference and growing space. Marigolds are
believed to be one of the earliest cultivated flowers. Ancient Greeks
used marigolds for their strong coloring ability to create makeup, and
dye for both food and clothing. They are edible and have been used in
cooking for centuries. In addition, marigolds have been and in fact
still are used for many medicinal purposes. The marigold is known to
have strong antiseptic properties and to be both antibacterial and
anti-inflammatory. Marigolds have been used to treat cuts, scrapes,
measles, stomaches, toothaches, urinary problems, and diaper rash. These
are just a few of the many benefits of fully grown marigolds, but
marigolds actually have benefits from the time they begin to root.
benefits of marigolds when growing make them an exceptional choice for
companion planting. This is a system of polyculture that has been used
for thousands of years, throughout the world. Companion planting allows
the benefits of a growing plant to be utilized by a plant and all of its
neighbors. The benefits of a plant can be exceptionally varied. Some
plants have evolved built in protection against pest. Other plants can
fix their own nitrogen into the soil. Each variety of plant has its own
benefits and drawbacks that are carefully considered when adding them to
a companion planting system. By placing marigolds near the plants that
will benefit the most, the entire garden becomes more productive.
roots of marigold plants exude a substance that effectively kills and
prevents soil nematode populations. When planted densely they can offer
years of nematode protection. Nematodes are often difficult to
eradicate, and in modern times have been treated with strong chemical
additives. The substance from the roots of marigolds is highly effective
at preventing nematode populations, but is a far safer alternative to
chemical treatments. By planning ahead to prevent nematode populations,
the plants most affected can be saved from harm, and allowed to use all
their resources for growing.
The marigold also offers a fairly
inclusive habitat for aphidophagus hoverflies. These hoverflies feed on
aphids throughout the life cycle of both species. By providing them with
a suitable habitat for all stages of life, the hoverflies are able to
focus solely on feeding and reproduction. Aphids are estimated to cause
millions of dollars in crop damage annually. Preventing them from
overtaking crops is a constant and often expensive battle for some
farmers. Planting marigolds near heavily affected crops allows the
hoverfly population to keep aphids in check naturally without the use of
Marigolds are also known to repel other types of
garden pests. For example whiteflies are known to avoid marigolds. They
do not tolerate the smell of them and do not feed on plants in their
vicinity. Whiteflies are a tomato pest, so when marigolds are planted in
the vicinity, whiteflies will avoid both. Mexican marigolds are
considered the strongest at repelling pests. Their smell has even been
known to repel rabbits.
When placed correctly marigolds can offer
many benefits to the plants around them. However caution is needed for
some pairings. For example very tender herbs can be stunted by the
strength of the marigolds chemical excretions. Also newer hybridized
versions of the marigold may or may not retain the traits of their
parents. These are therefore considered less effective as companion
plants. This is not to say all hybrids would not make good companion
plants, rather that they being newer have been less thoroughly tried.
Also marigolds may attract spider mites. These will prey on both
marigolds and surrounding plants.
Marigolds are an ideal companion
for squashes, cucumbers, eggplants, and melons because they deter the
beetles that feed on them. They pair well with tomatoes because they
deter the tomato pest whitefly. The marigold can be used to help cover
the smell of carrots and onions, thus preventing the flies that prey on
them from locating them. Knowing the benefits of a plant allows the
gardener to choose the best place for it. These are merely suggestions
for where and what might benefit from marigolds. The possibilities are
limited only to the grower's ability to recognize them. We hope you find
many uses for your marigolds both after they are grown, and most
especially while they are growing. Let us know how you utilize your
marigolds as companion plants, or post any questions you have about
companion planting or marigolds below. Subscribe below to receive email
notification of new blog posts.
I never realized that Marigolds could be so useful in the garden. Great article!